A Bridge to Community and Independence
At Jonathan’s Landing, we are creating a place that feels like home for residents to find happiness and achieve success.
Our goal is for each individual to be able to progress into the most independent living situation they can achieve.

Residential units will be built for a variety of needs and levels of independence so there is a place for adults across the spectrum of autism diagnosis.
Tailored support plans will help each person achieve their own goals and capabilities so they can thrive while ensuring a continuity of progress and care.
An Individualized Care Experience Across a Spectrum of Needs
Every resident of Jonathan’s Landing will receive an individualized support plan tailored for their specific level of need, both before moving into their apartment, as well as throughout the lifetime of their residency.
As residents demonstrate increasing independence and self-care skills defined by their support plan, they can transition into other housing within Jonathan’s Landing built to accommodate their level of self-reliance.
For some residents, they may even be capable of moving into a more fully independent residential community.

Read Our Strategic Vision
Planned Residential Amenities and Services
Jonathan’s Landing is being designed to ensure maximum safety, support, and enjoyment for residents.
- Apartment-Style Residences
- 24/7 Residential Advisors
- Onsite Housing for Staff and Care Team
- Healthcare and Medical Services
- Dining Hall, Restaurant, and Cafe
- Test Kitchen and Market
- Classrooms and Training Facilities
- Recreation and Exercise Facilities
- Gaming, Entertainment, and Media Centers
- Innovation and Technology Centers


Phase 01
Est. 75 – 150 Residential Units
Phase 02
Est. 150 – 300 Residential Units
Phase 03
Est. 300 – 500 Residential Units

A Comprehensive Onboarding Process
It is our goal to get to know our future residents and community members as far in advance as possible. This will happen through social programming centered around food, technology, gaming, music, and other activities that are open to all adults with autism 16-21 years old and their families throughout the week.
This programming also provides an onsite opportunity for resource and health check-ins, parent respite, and relationship building between Jonathan’s Landing, community service providers, and the autism community.
Powering the Engine of Residential Care
Jonathan’s Landing breaks the traditional paradigms of the autism care model by leveraging scale, for-profit enterprise, and truly innovative partnerships. By amplifying our impact through these force multipliers, we have the chance to create a life of dignity and opportunity for adults with ASD.

When operating at scale, we can achieve a significantly higher quality of housing, services, and job paths at a lower costs to families.

By incorporating nonprofit businesses at the core of our model, we use our revenue to power our mission and achieve self-sustainability.

With a coalition of best-in-class partners from nonprofit and for-profit organizations, we’re creating better solutions and improved outcomes.
Explore Life at The Landing

Our Model